How to Stay on Top of Pet Dental Hygiene

Early tooth loss is a significant pet dental hygiene problem for many dogs as they move from their teenage years into the adult and senior years. The good news is that dog owners can develop simple but effective dental health routines that help dogs fight tooth decay and gum problems that are directly related to tooth loss, bad breath, and teeth that are at risk for chipping and cracking. 

How to Stay on Top of Pet Dental Hygiene

According to the American Veterinary Dental College, over 50% of dog’s age three or older have some signs of periodontal disease. This is a disease similar to periodontal disease in humans, and it starts with plaque buildup on the teeth that leads to tartar and eventually gum inflammation, tooth decay, oral infections, and even significant abscesses. 

Your vet will routinely check your dog’s teeth at every visit. This is a great time to ask about dental care for your dog. If the plaque buildup is significant, your vet may recommend a veterinary dental cleaning. Our groomers at DogiZone provide teeth cleaning services. You can book an appointment during a grooming session and we can keep your pet’s teeth healthy and white between vet visits. 

Risk Factors 

In addition to age, there are other risk factors that are associated with oral health problems in dogs. Smaller dogs tend to be more prone to canine periodontal disease and problems with the gums pulling away from teeth, a condition called gum recession. When the gums recede, there is an increased risk of pain for the dog due to the exposed root. These teeth can also become loose and fall out, making it difficult for the dog to eat and chew. 

Dogs that are aggressive chewers can also have an increased risk for tooth damage. When aggressive chewing is combined with periodontal disease, tooth loss is almost inevitable. 

Regular Cleaning 

The easiest way to help maintain your dog’s oral health between visits to our groomers and your vet is s set up teeth cleaning routine at home. A soft-bristled baby toothbrush or a doggy toothbrush are great options. Always use toothpaste formulated for dogs, and never use human toothpaste to clean your dog’s teeth. 

teeth brushing - How to Stay on Top of Pet Dental Hygiene

Finger sleeves are another option, allowing you to gently rub the teeth and dog’s gums. Start slowly and gently, gradually working up to longer tooth brushing sessions. 

Healthy Chewing Options 

Chewing on natural bones that are suitable for the dog’s size and chewing level is a natural way to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. Dental treats are available that offer the same benefits. Just be sure to monitor your dog when they are chewing on the dental chews and choose the size that prevents your pooch from swallowing the chew whole. 

At Dogizone, we also offer a Fresh Breath Treatment solution that your pet will love to use. This is a great way to get rid of doggy breath after your daily brushing, just talk to our team to find out more. 

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