Top Three Dog Training Mistakes You Could Be Making

Training a puppy or a dog is not a one-time event. Just like people, dogs and puppies need practice throughout their life to stay familiar with what commands mean and what their owner expects. Training a dog

Training a puppy or a dog is often a series of wonderful achievements followed by frustration if the pet seems to “forget” or not understand what the command is and what they are to do. Often these periods of confusion for the dog are actually a result of mistakes that are all to common when tackling dog training on your own. 

At Dogizone, we realize that dog training can be difficult and sometimes extremely challenging. We offer a helpful training page that is full of information about our dog training programs and professionals. We even offer a free training evaluation, so be sure to visit the Dog Training page and grab your spot.  

In many cases, our dog training professionals find that dog owners are making one or more of these three very common training mistakes. Simply correcting these mistakes can help your pooch to understand what you want when you give the command prompt. 

Mistake: Being Inconsistent

As a person, we have a substantial vocabulary and an ability to see how things are more similar than different when tackling a new task. Dogs do not have this ability, so being consistent in the words and the ways we train is essential until the command is mastered. 

For example, if you are using the word “come” to bring the dog to you, only use the word “come” as the command. Avoid the temptation to use words such as come here, come on, get over here, get back, or any other variation. We also offer a Facebook live event on our Facebook page. Ask the DogiExperts is on the first Wednesday of every month. 

Additionally, only use a command if the dog is getting something positive. Using “come” to give a treat or some attention time is great for a puppy or a dog, and they react immediately to get that positive thing. Using “come” to call the dog to do something he or she doesn’t like, such as ending playtime, makes the dog less likely to come the next time you give the command. 

Mistake: Repeating Commands Over and Over 

When a puppy or a dog hears a command but does not respond, repeating the command multiple times is a significant training mistake. The puppy or dog learns that he or she can ignore the first command and then do it whenever they feel like it. 

Mistake: Overtraining 

Different dogs have different levels of repeating tricks or following commands. Get to know your dog and work with this natural tendency. Always end training before you see the dog is reaching the limit of attention, focus, and willingness to participate. 

Our professional trainers are here to help. We can evaluate your dog’s training and help you have a positive experience in teaching your dog to master new skills.