
Proof that Dog Training Works Miracles

We at Canine Obedience Unlimited have seen firsthand just how much a dog can transform through obedience classes and learning commands. Many trainers find the act of teaching dogs to be obedient and docile to be incredibly rewarding in and of itself, but what about the trainers who go the extra step further?   Dog…

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Is There A Magic Formula For Puppy Training?

To answer the title at the top of this page, “No!”; but there is such a thing as time-proven techniques and methods that allow you to enjoy your puppy to the fullest. Who among us has gazed into the liquid eyes of our pint-sized loves and wondered how such an adorable face could wreak so…

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How you can preventing pet over population using our dog and puppy training

Did you know that there are 6-8 millions dogs entering shelters each year with half of them being euthanized? There are 4-6000 shelters located across the United States leaving an overwhelming number of homeless dogs. At our dog training school we encourage pet owners to obedience train there dog to our standard of off leash…

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